80 for 80


This page is a ‘private’ page for Eckington bell ringers and is not generally available to all internet users, please don’t share the URL. It is set up for information on the 80 for 80 campaign and to allow access to a spreadsheet showing the progress made towards our objective of visiting 80 towers to support the Royal British Legion between the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the 80th anniversary of V E Day. It is intended only for ringers of Eckington church in Derbyshire. The spreadsheet is a view-only document and may not be fully up to date. Please update the paper copy in the tower at Eckington. If you spot any errors on this copy please let Don know.

To view the spreadsheet click on this link.  Use this Map to find the towers. Blue = unvisited, Orange = visited.

You can download a sponsorship form here.
You can download a Promotion sheet here.

Sponsorship received to date (21st November) at least £715.00

Please pass any sponsorship money received to Don once your sheet is complete together with your completed sheet.

Some simple things to consider as we attempt to ring at all these towers.

  • Keep everyone informed of what you are planning.
  • Put a message on the WhatsApp group if you are planning on visiting one of the towers and look out for messages from others who might also be visiting the same tower.
  • Don’t overload a tower’s practice night, no more than 2 or 3 to visit a practice, unless the local band invite more.
  • Try to ring as many bells as possible in the visited tower and keep a note of which.
  • Take a photograph of the church if possible and also you and any other Eckington ringers in the ringing chamber.

  • Ensure all visits and numbers of bells rung are entered on the progress chart at Eckington and advise Don so that he can update the spreadsheet.

  • Before planning a visit check the progress chart at Eckington or the spreadsheet online to see if a visit has already been made.

    • If you want to visit a tower that’s already been visited that’s fine but try to ring the bells that haven’t already been rung.

  • We will be planning team visits to some of the furthest towers, so look out for messages in this regard.

    • If you want to volunteer to organise some visits, speak up!

  • Take a sponsorship form with you when you visit towers and try to collect as much sponsorship as possible.  Also, take and leave a Promotion sheet.

    • If you collect cash ensure the sheet is endorsed ‘paid’ and pass the cash to Don for banking.

    • Hold onto the sponsorship form, don’t leave it at visited towers but do leave a promotion sheet.

Most importantly enjoy the experience and let us know how you get on.